Start investing with SqSave
Tell us your risk profile
Your risk profile defines how much risk to take when investing.
Traditionally, you have to answer a long questionnaire with technical jargon to assess your risk profile. But it’s not what we say. It’s what we do that matters.
Let our proprietary SqSave Risk ProfilerTM assess your risk-reward behaviour by what you actually do!
Based on your risk profile, SqSave will design a diversified investment portfolio that generates the highest probable return over the medium to long term.
Tell us how much you want to save
SqSave will calculate how much you should save to achieve your target goal.
Deposit money into your portfolio
Start growing your wealth by transferring money into your personalized portfolio.
Sit back & relax
SqSave manages your personal global portfolio and tracks global market conditions 24/7.
If SqSave finds a better combination of investment products that is predicted to generate a higher return without increasing your risks, SqSave will rebalance your portfolio automatically for you.