What’s the difference?

Typical Robo-Adviser

Human Kitchen

Pre-made portfolios. Static. Periodic.

Typical robo-advisers have a human kitchen chef who makes the final investment decisions


Digital Kitchen

Personalised. Dynamic. Real-time.

In our digital kitchen, our AI machine makes the final decisions.

Why invest with SqSave AI?

Get a forward-looking portfolio matching your risk profile.

Your portfolio is the
freshest & personalized

SqSave AI uses latest data.
Get a forward-looking portfolio matching your risk profile.

Unlike others, SqSave does NOT group you into risk-labelled historical model portfolios.

SqSave manages risk before chasing returns

Your risk is better

SqSave manages risk before chasing returns.

SqSave AI does NOT sleep.
It tracks & manages your portfolio 24/7

SqSave AI seeks portfolio with the highest predicted return for your risk profile.

Your portfolio is

SqSave AI seeks the portfolio with the highest predicted return for the risk you want to take.

SqSave will rebalance you to a forward-looking portfolio. Quite unlike others who rebalance you backwards to a historical model portfolio.

Invest smart with AI

13 years of machine learning.
4.3 billion daily insights.
Over 2,000 investment products.